So i have been trying to take more photos, but on a fairly regular basis I only have my phone with me, although it seems that the phone has become the new medium for photographers and film makers.
Hell the new iphone is supposed to have an 8mp camera or something crazy like that.
I remember my first digital camera was only 3mp, but still took some good photos
the only thing that bothers me about the phone camera is you don't have many options for image control.
So I got a chance to see deathcab for cutie again.
It was kind of awesome. last time i saw them I was in a bit of a funk, what with the breakup being all fresh and whatnot.
I am still kind of broken about the break up, but I am definitely in a better place now than I was in August.
sort of
anyhow. the show was kind of spectacular, I love seeing shows in open air theaters, just something so cool about having the stars and the moon adding to the lighting.
anyhow. here's a video
sad and beautiful at the same time
I love having the opportunity to instill the sense of wonder and awe in to the people I am teaching. because it reminds me that sometimes in the right light at the right time everything can be beautiful